Many drivers know that after they get into a car crash, they should pull over somewhere safe, exchange info with the other driver, and call the cops. It is especially important to do this if you are thinking about filing a personal injury case. If you believe that someone else is to blame for this crash, the police report that the cops write at the scene could be useful to you and the San Angelo, Texas car accident lawyer who takes your case.
What is in a Police Report?
A police report can contain a lot of useful information about the crash and its participants. It won’t usually tell you who is to blame for the crash, but it can show you what contributed to a crash and how many people were involved. A report will also contain info about any witnesses who were at the scene.
Can a Police Report Be Used as Evidence in a Personal Injury Case?
A police report can diagram the crash and give more insight into how it occurred. The report could make note of the weather at the time of the collision, whether there were skid marks on the road, or if there was debris that may have caused a driver to change their course. All of this can be useful to your lawyer when you are trying to show that someone else was responsible for the accident and that you should be paid compensation.
How Long Do I Have to Sue for Personal Injury?
You have up to two years to sue over injuries suffered in a car crash. If you wait any longer than that, courts in Texas are probably just going to throw out your lawsuit no matter what kind of evidence you have gathered. So we recommend acting quickly to begin building your personal injury case after a collision. The sooner you act, the sooner you can secure the compensation that you deserve.
Do I Need an Attorney?
Having an attorney present when you sue others for personal injury is not a necessity, but a lawyer can do a lot to help you build your case. Your attorney can:
Gather evidence: Your lawyer has experience gathering all kinds of evidence that can build a case, from surveillance camera footage to eyewitness testimony.
Calculate fair compensation: Your attorney can talk to medical experts about your injuries and prognosis. From there they can calculate a fair compensation offer and help you fight for what you deserve.
Defend you from accusations of wrongdoing or fault: If you are found partially at fault for the car crash, that can reduce how much compensation you are awarded. Your attorney can fight for you and make it clear that you were the victim in this car crash.
Contact Our Law Firm Today
So if you decide to move forward with a personal injury lawsuit, contact the Mathis Law Firm. We can schedule a free consultation and tell you more about how our experienced attorneys can help you and your family in this trying time.