When you get hurt at work, you should receive a workers’ compensation award that can help you pay your bills while you recover and get ready to rejoin the workforce. When insurers make lowball offers to injured workers, they are hoping that people will just take what they can get and move on. You don’t have to just accept such a low offer though. You can work with a San Angelo, Texas work injury lawyer from our firm to get the kind of compensation that you deserve.
Can I Appeal a Low Workers’ Compensation Award?
You can. If you act within 30 days you can tell an insurer that you won’t be taking their offer. This gives you the chance to appeal and gather evidence showing that you should be offered more money. You may be pressured to take an initial lowball offer and tempted to just get this process over with. Do not give in. Fight for a fair offer and make sure that you can actually pay your bills and avoid additional financial stress.
Do I Need a Lawyer to Appeal a Low Workers’ Compensation Award?
Not necessarily, but an appeal functions much like a legal hearing. Having a lawyer can make it easier to state your case and show why you should be offered a more robust workers’ compensation award. You don’t have another chance at this if your appeal fails, so doing everything that you can to make this appeal count is recommended.
Why Would an Insurer Make Such a Low Offer?
Insurance companies are in the business of saving money, not giving out as much as possible. They can find many excuses to offer a low workers’ compensation award, from claiming your work injury isn’t that serious to blaming your injuries on a pre-existing condition. You probably aren’t used to negotiating with insurance companies, but our lawyers are. They can help you fight for the kind of compensation you deserve.
What Happens If My Employer Doesn’t Have Workers’ Compensation Insurance?
Texas does not actually require all employers to carry workers’ comp insurance. So if you get hurt at work and find out that your employer is not covered, you may have to sue them directly. This can make for a more complicated claim. One of the biggest differences is that you actually have to prove negligence in a lawsuit while workers’ comp claims are not concerned with fault. A lawyer can help you build a compelling case for compensation.
Schedule Your Case Consultation
If you want to learn about how our lawyers can help you after a work injury, contact the Mathis Law Firm. We can schedule a free consultation and tell you how we can assist with workers’ comp appeals, personal injury cases, and more.