If you decide to sue after a car crash, you should not just be reimbursed for your medical expenses and the other costs related to your injuries. Your car was also damaged in the crash, so it’s a good idea to sue for property damage as well. Repairs are expensive and seem to be getting more costly all the time, and replacing a vehicle outright can be a major financial strain. A San Angelo, Texas car accident lawyer from our firm can help you fight to be properly compensated.

What Kind of Insurance Can Help With Property Damage?

When you buy a car insurance policy, you get different types of coverage. Not all of them are meant to cover damage to your vehicle, but you should have a few options after the crash. If you want to go through your own policy, collision coverage can be used to cover property damage. This is an optional type of coverage though, so you may not have it.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage can help you pay for damage to your vehicle if the other driver flees the scene. This coverage must be offered by insurers, but Texas drivers can refuse it.

If you do not have either of these options available to you, you can sue the other driver and go after their insurance policy. Every car insurance policy has liability coverage, meaning that the other driver’s coverage should be able to reimburse you for property damage. You just need to show that they were to blame for the crash.

What Evidence Can Help When I Sue Over Property Damage?

When you sue for property damage, you need evidence that can show negligence along with evidence of how much the crash cost you. Some things that can help include:

  • Video footage, like from security cameras or a dash cam
  • Estimates for repairs
  • Data about a vehicle’s value from a reputable source
  • Testimony from vehicle appraisers
  • Bills from other related expenses, like the cost of renting a car
  • Eyewitness testimony about the crash and how it happened

The more evidence you have, the easier it can be to make your case.

Should I Hire a Lawyer When Suing For Property Damage?

Proving negligence on your own can be tough. A seasoned personal injury lawyer from our firm can help you build a convincing case and fight for the kind of compensation you deserve. If your car was damaged or totaled, the driver responsible for your crash should be the one who is on the hook for those costs.

Talk to an Attorney Today

If your car was damaged in a crash, we can help you pursue compensation. Contact the Mathis Law Firm and ask to schedule a free consultation. We can tell you more about lawsuits for property damage and how to recover other types of compensation that you may be entitled to.