Unfortunately, not everyone can say that they are completely healed from their injuries after their personal injury suit has been settled or won. Many people involved in car crashes, slip and falls, and other incidents still require medical care after they have received their compensation. This is a big reason why future medical expenses have to be a factor when a settlement is being negotiated. A Tom Green County, Texas personal injury lawyer can help you fight for the kind of compensation offer you deserve.

Are Future Medical Expenses Always a Part of Settlements?

Future medical expenses can be considered whenever it’s clear that the plaintiff in a personal injury suit is going to continue to need medical care. If someone else caused their injuries through negligence, then they should be responsible for all of their medical care costs, not just the ones from before the case was settled.

How Can Future Medical Expenses Be Calculated?

The question then becomes, how do you calculate these future medical expenses? A personal injury lawyer will usually take one of two approaches. They can use the “additional expense” method when a plaintiff has almost reached maximum medical improvement. They are just a few treatments away from living life like they did before. The expenses of the treatment they need can be calculated and asked for in compensation negotiations.

Matters can get more complex when a victim will not ever be able to reach their former level of functioning. The “total lifestyle” approach has to be used in situations like this. Your lawyer can work with your healthcare provider to make estimates about what it will take to get you the treatments you need and maximize your quality of life.

Are There Other Expenses That Should Be Factored Into Negotiations?

It can also be a good idea to factor in any other expenses that could be related to your injuries. Your lawyer should help you negotiate for compensation relating to:

Transportation: The costs of going to and from all of these appointments can start to add up. Your compensation should be calculated with travel expenses in mind.

Home modifications: If you need to add a ramp or other accessible features to your home, that’s going to be a significant expense.

Lost wages: If your injuries keep you out of work, that can be a big financial hit for your family to absorb. Your settlement should be calculated with lost wages and any loss of your earning potential in mind.

Can Expert Witnesses Help With My Case?

Experts can help here, especially because insurance companies are more reluctant to pay out for future medical expenses. There can be disagreements about which treatments you’ll actually need, how much they will cost, and other issues. When you have experts, like lifecare planners and doctors who know what kind of care you need, you have some crucial backup for your arguments.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you want to learn more about how an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve, contact the Mathis Law Firm. We can schedule a free, no-obligation consultation for you.